Compassionate, Collaborative Care


Areas of Practice


Evaluation and Diagnosis & Medication Management

I currently provide both in office appointments as well as telehealth appointments. I hope to accommodate your preference for appointment type and make accessing mental health care easy and effective. There may be circumstances that warrant an in-person appointment based on the type of medication you are on or presenting symptoms.

I work with persons across the lifespan, though I notably specialize in children, adolescents, and young adults.


Evaluation and Diagnosis

During our initial 60 minute session, we will complete a psychiatric evaluation to determine a diagnosis and treatment plan. Below are common diagnoses I treat.

  • Depression

  • Anxiety

  • OCD

  • PTSD and Trauma-related Disorders

  • ADHD

  • Autism

  • Oppositional Defiant Disorder and Conduct Disorder

  • Substance Use Disorders

Medication Management

After the initial psychiatric evaluation, we will schedule a follow up appointment usually lasting 15-30 minutes to ensure the medications are having the intended effects and your needs are being met. Typically, medication management appointments are scheduled every 2-4 weeks depending on your mental health needs and the type of medication prescribed. Once stabilized, we may decide to make these appointments less frequent.


Please note: For children, I work with ages 5+ which requires parental presence for appointments. Per Washington state law, adolescents 13 years and older have the right to seek and receive mental health care without the consent of their legal guardian. While I want to promote adolescent autonomy, I strongly value parental and guardian involvement in care and decision making, particularly when it comes to medication and safety. Adolescent patients can have appointments without a parent present but I will encourage and may require parental engagement when clinically indicated to ensure safe care is provided.